I always feel a little bit like a fish out of water when I go on a "touchy feely" course - one that usually involves thinking a lot, spending time on my own thinking or (eek! I find it difficult) sharing my thoughts.And I always feel fantastic afterwards and want to do more.
This time it was an Eco Therapy course with the wonderful inspiring Alastair at Earth for Life, at the Water of Leith Centre in Edinburgh. Despite a high footfall and a few dog poo piles to negotiate, I connected and communed with nature and I learned just how significant this work is to mental health workers and the people they care for.
So today I was dreading it – 5 minutes. 5 WHOLE minutes! AND THEN, 4 sets of 3 minutes. FOUR SETS!![]() Yes shouting a little inside … All weekend I kept telling my husband, who simply raised his eyebrows at me in support. Sigh… It’s a big thing actually: I used to be a runner. I used to think I was pretty good at it. At school, I ran, jumped over things; even threw a few things, like a proper athlete. I had badges and medals and got upset if people beat me. My poor mother had to traipse to various stadiums and sit watching me throughout the season, usually in the rain. I ran fast though…I didn’t like slow at all. I once ran a cross country at school and hurt my ankle, felt sick and didn’t win …so I never did that again. In fact I haven’t run for about 30 years. ![]() Many of you know that I try to follow the principles of a natural movement regime. In short, I like to evaluate everything with the thoughts “Would people do this naturally?” And, “What impact does it have on the mind and the body?” Is being able to run a couple of miles a good thing? Yes, I reckon so. Although I walk, and am walking further and further, my lungs feel the pressure of hills, my legs feel heavy and my energy is still low. I want to be fitter – Fitter for what? Fitter for life and endurance particularly. I had been putting it off with various excuses like…my knee may not take it, I am too old, my heart may be too weak after my HER2 cancer treatment, I work in the fitness field so how can I let people see me huffing and puffing in public. Jeez! What will I wear? But then I watched the first ever Stirling Marathon …and I saw the faces as they came in. I watched some of my clients and friends complete a MASSIVE challenge, and felt the tears come down my face with pride and joy for them.
And I was inspired... |
AuthorKirsty. Wife. Mum. Restorative Mind and Movement Teacher. Archives
June 2020